Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pursuing Love

You know, there are just days as a mom that I think that nothing is going right, my kids are out of control and someone else could do a much better job. Then there are those days when teachable moments are frequent, love abounds, and I am welling up with love and pride for my sweet babies. We had such a day last week.

I was blessed to have the opportunity to provide a meal to a grieving family in our community. As we packed up the car, many questions ensued. They both asked what we were doing and why. Miss A asked why the mommy couldn't make supper. I responded that they are still very sad because they miss their little girl who is in Heaven with Jesus. Then my little M piped up, "Soup will make them feel better, Mommy." Trying so hard in her 4 year old mind to understand such a terrible tragedy, Miss A said "Mommy, they should have another little baby girl and name her Gretta and then they would have their Gretta back." As we left our meal, A said "Next time we bring them a meal, I want to color them a picture of their family and write my name and your name and their names and a big heart so that they know who brought them their food." I was so proud of my two sweet oldest children who are learning a valuable lesson about loving others in a tangible way.

As I continue on my journey of mommyhood, I am struck with the importance of the condition of my children's hearts. Only when their hearts are right does good behavior really matter. Its such a good lesson for me to learn as well. We are all still learning so much, and don't have all the right formulas. But, it is days like the one above that I feel God is telling me to keep on giving all of my heart to raising my kids. It is all that He asks for, thank goodness.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

What a great teaching moment.