Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Story Time

Story Time Take 1
Saying that my 2 1/2 year old has a vivid imagination may be an understatement. He has become quite adept at telling stories and making up imaginary people. In fact, he has a very special imaginary friend called Old Daddy. Old Daddy works with the Little Grandpa (my husband's dad) at the local paper mill, works nights, and only comes around when Daddy is working. Before you get too suspicious, apparently M is the only person that Old Daddy visits. Needless to say Young Daddy is very curious to meet this Old Daddy guy :)
Story Time Take 2
Tonight at my parents' house, little M got quite animated while telling a story about Big Jet (of Little Einstein's fame) For those who aren't aquainted with the preschool TV subculture, Big Jet is mean. With that in mind, we continue. And I quote "Big Jet was flying through the fowest and he got wost. Then he saw a deer and runned into him. The deer's legs were broke, but he still runned. Then a kangawoo hopped and put the deer into his pouch. The kangawoo and the deer are friends. The deer stayed in the kangawoo's pouch for a wong time and they hopped through the fowest." If you know my sweet boy, please insert adorable lisp and high pitched voice.
I would keep him 2 forever if I could. If only his Ls would sound like Ws forever. I love you so much buddy.


~cody said...

I love it! I will request that he tells me the big jet story in his deep man-voice. And I will have a hidden microphone so that we can record him. And we will play it over and over again because it's the cutest darn thing ever!

~cody said...

PS: I'm honored to be your favorite photographer :). You know, you're the one who keeps me in "business". Plus, your kids and their crazy-blue eyes are good advertising :).